The hardest part about job hunting is knowing when to start and staying low key. That’s why so many people wait “until it becomes unbearable for them to stay another day at their current job,” says Woo CEO and Co-founder Liran Kotzer.
Statistically, 20% of employees aren’t looking for a new job, 15% are actively looking, and everyone else is somewhere in between. They’re doing OK, but are beginning to wonder about their next role, their market-value, etc. Traditional recruiting firms don’t pay attention to them and so a new type of firm is needed.
Woo automatically matches relevant candidates to your job and only present you with those who’ve shown interest and have matched your criteria.
A lot of Woo’s candidates are passive but open to new opportunities so they are not searching via other channels.
The slideshare below shows how Woo works in a nutshell.